Saturday, 24 May 2014

Writing Gets You Cats

I have just read a blog post by Kristin Cashore in which she recommends a basic online word processor called Written? Kitten! which will reward you for every 100/200/500/1000 words you write (depending on which you pick) with a picture of a kitten. I have a feeling I will be using this more often. :)


Monday, 5 May 2014

Revision Procrastination

A little light bedtime reading, methinks...

It's difficult to write a writing blog when you're not writing anything.

Having said that, though, if I'm going to be completely honest, saying that I haven't been writing anything is a lie, it's just that what I've been writing is only really bits and pieces. However, what I have been doing that is actually helping towards a bigger project is making a scrapbook in a notebook my friend bought me for my birthday, comprising random bits of writing (or, at the moment, one random bit) and sketches of characters (which is a great way to spend the few days running up to an exam...). I later plan to include a sort of mood board of places for my setting, as well as sketches of my imagined setting itself, other random notes concerning the plot and the fantasy world Barnabus' Balloons is set in (you know, law, medicine, fashion etc - general world-building). I'm very excited for when I have enough time to put more effort into this. :)

Also, an email I just got reminded me that April's Camp NaNoWriMo finished a few days ago, and apparently the winners can get free proof copies of their book. When I took part in Camp NaNoWriMo, this opportunity was not available, and when I was a winner of November NaNoWriMo in 2010, I didn't finish revising my first draft before the deadline for the offer. Hopefully, though, free proof copies will still be a prize for Camp NaNoWriMo winners in July, when I will finally have time to write. :)