Monday, 25 May 2015

The Secrets The Writer Keeps

Several months and a sneaky blog-title change later, I'm finally posting an update! It's currently one week until my last exam, and therefore one week until my summer begins (I don't understand how quickly first year went!). I haven't managed to write much recently (whether it's true or not, I blame studying), but I'm looking forward to writing more over summer. I also hope to start posting on here again, so here are a few updates!

  • I set myself a few writing goals and put them up on my wardrobe:
  • Therefore I will be spending June writing my second draft, July taking part in Camp NaNoWriMo to get the first draft of Book 2 started, and August finishing Book 2.
  • Over the past few weeks and months, I've mostly been fleshing out the world in which my story is set, planning my second draft (from big plot changes to tiny details) and attempting to write a new beginning. Since I decided to write a new prologue and move the old one into the first chapter, "writing" for me has pretty much become synonymous with "writing and rewriting the new prologue".
  • I have received detailed feedback from one of the two people who has read the first draft of Book 1, and hope to receive more feedback from the second. Already I've found that even getting just one outside opinion is incredibly helpful: it helps me to see things from my reader's point of view, to see what works and what doesn't, which details need to be toned down and which need to be made more obvious, and see problems and characterisation flaws that I wouldn't have noticed (for example, I tried to make my main character grumpy-but-lovable, and instead it just resulted in her being slightly unlikable and difficult to relate to).
I plan on posting mostly progress reports on my writing here, perhaps along with a few other things, however I'm not currently sure what. Nevertheless, I shall endeavour to at least post something in the near future.