Thursday 17 July 2014

Camp NaNoWriMo: Week 2 Update

Target Word Count: 25,806
Current Word Count: 18,552
Current Chapter: 9/10

I'm now starting to rely more on my outline instead of feeling that it is holding me back. I have been using YWriter5 more this week which I have found to be very helpful, especially when looking for details; I've been writing using FocusWriter and then copying and pasting each scene into YWriter5, which is very useful for keeping track of what happens in which scene, and also makes tracking that little bit of writing down much easier.

That isn't to say though that writing this novel is getting much easier. It feels like it's all happening rather slowly, and like I still haven't got into it yet. Each scene in my outline is a stepping stone, but they're all very stable stepping stones; there doesn't seem to be much danger or excitement, and although my plot confuses me sometimes, it all seems quite straightforward. I'm just sending my characters from scene to scene at the moment, like a military operation. And it's going to need a lot of cleaning up when I've finished.

As you can see, I'm still very behind with my word count, but I don't think I'm much further behind than I was last week. However, I am starting to feel the amount of work I need to do to finish this novel. I do not think it will be complete within 50,000 words, and I think I will be continuing to work on this draft after the end of July. It is starting to feel a little hopeless. I have a long way to go.

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